Founder, The Amazon Guru
SAK Solutions (Board Advisory) | Director - OZone Motors (e4W)
Founder & Managing Partner at AKCJ Ventures
Manager, Government & Public Sector, EY
Managing Director, Collaborative Evolution
M&A Advisory | Fund Raising | Due Diligence | Valuations | Startups
Partner, MGB
Co-Founder, MProfit
Partner, Fulchand Group
Director, Trishala Laminates Pvt Ltd
Co-founder | CSO - Ednovate Edtech, 16+years of fund experience
Managing Partner, Himatlal Tribhovandas Shah and Co
Mentor, I-start
MD, Luxfabrics
Founder, Originity
Cofounder of Vinners
Co-Founder and Promoter, Blue Sky Capital
Director, JG Group
SAK Solutions (Board Advisory) | Director - OZone Motors (Cofounder and General Partner at Takshil Venture Partners
Artist | Business Development, RDB Group